Everybody "knew a guy..."

Age 42, Male

South River

Joined on 10/7/04

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Looks like someone doesn't know how to handle actually useful constructive criticism.

His sarcasm is almost imperceptible D:

Oh boy. After all the stuff you said about LordAsylus, I think you've just found another guy who doesn't handle criticism very well. I have no idea what this series is all about, but I can tell from your review that it must be below even LordAsylus's standards (watch, Tyrant's going to feel offended from this now that I said that). But at the end of the day, he's left with two options:
1: Silence himself out of shame for getting such a harsh review, losing any credibility he had in the process, or...
2: Attempt to prove you wrong by improving his animation and story-writing skills, if only to protect his ego and rub it in your face, which will inadvertently cause your criticism to have been well used.
So we'll just wait and see what he chooses. The choice is all his and his alone!

Also, glad to know you're continuing your series. Really looking forward to that! Rumor has it that Nintendo's Content ID claims on YouTube are actually false. I can only hope they'll stop the claims here as well. After all, these series are basically free advertisement, and they're likely to get the Wii U to rise in sales with the upcoming games. Besides, we all just want to get along with each other, right? Y'know, in peace and stuff... Call me a dreamer, but it's just what I desire. I contributed by getting a Wii U, now it's their turn to be nice! (I also have an ambition to become a Let's Player in the future, so that's more of a reason for me to wish Nintendo plays nicer...)

So with that said, I think I'll take my leave now. I wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for both of us. Here's to a bright future in 2014! Thanks for always sharing your ideas with us against all odds, and until next time, I am Mr. Br, of the Multiverse Protection Force, signing off.

PS.: You were once in the military? Dang, kudos to you for that! I never had the physical condition to handle that. If you don't mind me asking, what was your rank back then?

Haha i have no hard feelings! I see you had posted this about 18 hours ago, and I haven't been logged on in months ha what a coincidence I actually came upon this.

Look Look bro! I can take criticism pretty well, infact "Pokemon Fated Duel" reviews had been relatively light compared to "Pokemon Fated Encounter". Go and check it out I literally have 20 - 30 0-3 star reviews saying my animation is the worse thing they have ever seen.

As you could tell I was being very sarcastic, as I only produced them flashes for sheer fun lol but I guess I should have relaxed a bit. The only thing I had a small issue with was the entire dismissal of effort put in to creating the flash. Normally If I review something here on Newgrounds, even if its the worse flash ever to exist, I normally give them the benefit of doubt if I see at least a bit of effort was put in. I'm not saying I give them a 5 star review straight off the bat, but at least a 1+ star for the effort and tell them what to improve on.

Trust me TJ I have reviews literally like "What the fuck is this shit" -20 stars I normally just go on as there is no way I can reply to that. But as your review is constructive criticism, I will certainly reply back. I like to joke about alot ha because to be honest I don't really take newgrounds seriously. I think there are too much ranging teens who only love tits and dick jokes roaming about on this site. If anything I even prefer to watch a few parodies here, than the serious ones.

I see a few of the comments above from your fans thinking I'm taking this all to heart, hehe! which I'm honestly not, man they really need check out my other reviews, your one is nothing when it comes to major criticism. I've been told my animation is the worst shit they have ever seen. Mainly due Dragonbal elements lol

So yeah to finish things off, if you thought I was going haywire! your wrongly mistaken, just happen to see this page and was shocked you actually made a post on it Ha. I just make those battles for fun, that is all! nothing more nothing less. I will leave the sarcasstic reply up haha as I find it quite funny myself, just wanted to ultimately come and clear things up.

Merry Christmas! to You TeeJ from your boi Tyrant-D!

I wish i had time to read this but just skimming made me laugh so hard i thought my ass fell off XD
i'll definitely read the entire thing tomorrow X3

*Skimms through the text* Hmm yes seems someone can't handle the constructive though harsh criticism... Maybe he will learn from that though.
*Gets to the end*
You did what? That's some great news TJ. No seriously I'm glad you decided to continue your work cause it's really one of better works about poke-verse. Keep up with it ^^

I really can't fathom why you waste your time writing shit like this. Also his review response was blatantly sarcastic.

Well I can't fathom why you suddenly started being a dick to me. Because I complained a little about my game not being as successful as I hoped? Because I tried to clarify some points I made in a review? Seriously, climb down off your goddamn high horse.

"Well that's all for this reply. Oh and just so my WoC fans don't feel like they read all this for nothing, I have decided to continue the series. I appreciate all the encouragment I got from the replies in my last post."


Also. Any reason Budj is acting like a but hurt 5 year old playing COD? The only comments I see from him/her are unnecessarly rude.

first of all...
tee-jay...you were just saying what you criticize not saying bad things about the show...
second...He thinks you're insulting him but you're just giving a review...
lastly....he is insulting you're sprited based story.....

well i like yours better....

I am a huge fan of your Pkm WoC and I decided to write this e-mail(no e-mail,just a comment).
Can you please estimate a day that you release the next ep?
And when would Murkrow,Joltik,and Tirtouga evolve?

I am super-mega-freakin' exited.
NeedforDeath1-your Romanian etc fan

I have no idea. Releasing the next ep will require me to learn skills I havent yet since I'm dropping the sprites. And I'm not giving out spoilers.

Spoilers are bad,true.I have some ideas but I bet you don't want to hear it.I will just...kepp waching.I gained a bunch of ideas from seeing your videos.I'm a kind of freak for Pokemon.i know types and advantages.Happy new year btw.


By the way, I have a theory on how the Dark Pokémon work in your WoC series.

Ok, so this is how it works: Pokémon's hearts are normally (in the wild anyway) at a base of zero (0 is the normal state). When caught, the Pokémon gains a +1 to the so-called "heart state". At the state of 1, they warm up right away to their Trainer. The state is capped at +1 even if snagged. There are three ways, however, to decrease that "heart state". One is to release the Pokémon, which decreases the state by 1. Another is via lab work, allowing further decrease by 1 for each use. Therefore, lab work can make a Pokémon become a Shadow Pokémon (this happens at state
-1). If the Shadow Pokémon is released, it will become a Dark Pokémon, with a state of -2. In the state of -2, the Pokémon's heart overflows with negative energy, decreasing nearby Pokémon's heart states to -2, and it spreads to other wild Pokémon from there, like a virus. The invisible barrier that prevents an already caught Pokémon from being caught again also protects them from getting "infected" by the negative energy. However, the same negative energy that spreads like a virus blocks normal Pokéballs from working, thus requiring a Pokéball that can break through the barrier of negative energy: the Snag Ball. When you caught the Gardevoir, the state changed from -2 to -1, changing it into a Shadow Pokémon.

Recap: Heart States:
-2~Dark Pokémon (Radiating negative energy affects Pokémon unless protected)
-1~Shadow Pokémon (Allows the use of Shadow Rush)
0~Normal (Wild Pokémon are usually this way)
1~"Warm" to Trainer (Normal result of catching a Pokémon in the wild)

Decrease and Increase of Heart States:
+1 when the Pokémon gets caught
-1 due to artificial means (lab stuff) or release
To -2 when influenced by the negative energy of a Dark Pokémon without protection

That's all for my theory on Dark Pokémon, and this comment. Later! ~Gamedziner

Not a bad theory, although it's not how it works in my series.

In my theory, Dark Pokemons have been made by Genesect, by his negative energy and the desire for conquering the world.Using Deoxys's power and some technology,he managed to dispel his negative energy,and to form Chaos Clouds.When Teejay(you in Pokemon WoC) captured Gardevoir using his Snag Machine,the negative power didn't vanished complet and she became in the end a Shadow Pokemon. That's my opinion of the Chaos Clouds.Genesect , like Deoxys , is an alien.He , or wants to take over the world,by restoring his army(I don't know if it's like that the storyline) , or , using the other legendaies.His base is somewhere in one mountain( Silver , or Moon)

Nope, but nice try. I guess you must have watched that movie with the Red Genesect? I would watch it, but I hate the TV show.

My theory is false?

...And thus the speculation continues.


love yo art & stuff...but I aint an ass kisser so going everywhere and flashing that "im an ex-military"stuff doesnt make you up for being(more or less of...no hate)of a 69& smartass & 31% jerk
so u get such...call em harsh replies just for the way u spill ya toughts on the net sayin stuff like "it actually kinda(<rly a nice way to make things look smaller btw)suck"really hurts their small ego that looks like"im the best artist in the world"after the first flash but really now...just try to make things nicer(and dont flash the "ex-military again when you read this)and you wont get this kind of replies and i know u try(and if the receiver werent a bit...dunno you'd suscced) to make constructive critism
but draggin em on yo newgrounds page just to see all your ass-kissers(spare meyou all know that every artists has them)blaming it as they worship your awesomness seems rly low to me(just my opinion)i get u wanna help em but what is the reason for dragging this stuff here if u try to help em?how does that helps anyone besides yourself seeyin everyone sayin you're right?
but this aint just your...umm let's say fault cuz these guys take your critism too personal I bet the one u wrote that to read it like:YOU SUCK I HATE YOU AND HOPE THAT YOU BURN IN HELL(ot what i think they get from you after reading their akward replies)
to sum it up try to be as nice as possible if you really want to help someone and not to see their reactions and post em here

English pal, speak English.

I'm glad your finishing the series TJ, and I hope to see it continued soon. Honestly, isn't just the story that grabs my attention, it's the fact that you made it so Pokemon aren't just agitated or territorial when they attack, or controlled by a group like team Rocket, but instead mind control mixed or primal instinct as a super powered animal or creature with a higher intellect would in real life. For that, I really was scared that you were going to end your series in a never ending hiatus when your the only person who does this except in creepypastas.
I hope to see you continue soon, Draco.