A big thank you to the NG staff for finally telling me how to add medals to movies even though I've been asking about it ALL YEAR! They probably only did it because they thought yesterday was the end of the world. Anyways, they made me promise not to tell anyone how to do it, so don't ask! I agree there are some riff-raff (you know who you are), that would misuse the system and create a bunch of spam medals.
When I added the optional interactive battles to my series I wanted to add Medals to encourage people to participate. Episodes 7 & 8 now have medals for you to earn, but you must participate and win the interactive battles to earn them!
Pokemon: World of Chaos Episode 7
Pokemon: World of Chaos Episode 8
Good luck! And of course, you have to be logged in to earn the medals. Otherwise please report any problems you see to me.
I'm working on episode 9 and 10 in tandem so it'll be a while before I release episode 9, but when I do, 10 will be right behind it. With medals, naturally.
Aww yeah. Posted about this on the Superlab too, great news