Thanks to my fans who are still checking this page. I wish I could reward you right now with WoC ep 9 but the series is in hiatus for several reasons.
1) I'm done messing with sprites for the series so I'm currently working on learning new animation skills and programs to make the series even better.
2) I do have a life outside of flash making and it kinda sux, so it's hard to get motivated to work on it sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time.
3) Lately, Nintendo has been on the warpath. They've already forced Newgrounds to remove most of it's Nintendo based fan games (including one of mine) and there's no telling if fan movies will be next. They've already had some fan films from other sites shut down. My theory is that their vagina is bleeding because the Wii U isn't selling as good as they'd hoped. It seems stupid to have fan made stuff removed (especially non-profit ones) because they're like free advertisements! I wonder how many people went out and bought pokemon because my series got them interested in it again?
There you have it, the series isn't cancelled, just delayed for now. Anyway, if you haven't seen it yet, there's a clip from ep 9 that my pal eastbeast made for me: Meloetta scene
Tie Fighter Assault
My other big project this year was supposed to be my Star Wars vertical shooter. I was having some trouble with the code to begin with and when I tried to run it as a whole flash, it went to hell. Plus the file was so big that Flash kept crashing every 10 seconds. So now I'm rebuilding the game in Flash CC. I solved the code problems I had when I made my KaijuKing game (that was removed because of the aforementioned Nintendo thing >:( The artwork and animations are good to go, just need to fix the code. So hopefully that will be available before too long.
My KaijuKing game can still be played on DeviantArt. To re-release on Newgrounds I need to remove the Nintendo characters. I was thinking about keeping Sonic and adding Megaman. But I need one more... Any suggestions? The character must have a flying vehicle and a transformation.
Hm... Goku? :D
I cannot say no hard enough.