In case you just missed it, I released a game called Pokemon WoC: Stadium a few days ago. It's a stadium-esque game based on the first season of my Pokemon fan series called World of Chaos. I wanted to release it on my birthday which was May 13 (old man now), but it wasn't quite ready. It did get Daily 5th, and the running was close, so I'm content with that. At least it didn't get beat by a flash with horse humping in it this time... Wait a minute... Yes it did! That stupid nightmare flash. I guess horse humping must be what you young whippersnappers are into these days.
Last year, Nintendo came along and made NG get rid of all Nintendo based flash games. Hopefully that won't happen again, but if it does, my Stadium game will still be available on DeviantArt.
All attention will now be focused on making ep 9 & 10. Since I finished this stadium game in about 6 weeks, I'm hoping I can get 9 & 10 done quickly too. Getting all the voices together will probably be the toughest part. As a small consolation for taking so long, I'll give you a spoiler tidbit about ep 9 & 10:
"Teejay tracks Gardevoir back to her home town full of talking Pokemon, but they hate humans! On top of that, someone (or something) is causing Pokemon from the village to disappear!"
That only scratches the surface of the stuff that happens in the next eps, so don't think I spoiled it for you! Looking forward to seeing it finished and seeing your reactions to it!
awesome stuff..honestly i don't like that horse jumping thing..anyways how old are you tee-jay?
Too old to get married and have kids.