Everybody "knew a guy..."

Age 42, Male

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Joined on 10/7/04

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Dont you know any other flash-sites where you can post WoC without fear of copyrights?
Kongregate maybe?

DeviantArt, but I don't have a following there and I can't guarantee it's safe from copyright. I have my own site with Yahoo, but it won't load flashes for some reason.

Why did Nintendo just decide to remove all pokemon flash games here on Newgrounds? I mean they're fanmade & they weren't hurting anyone for crying out loud! They should just be glad they have some loyal fans that would do something like made a fanbased game or flash animation for others to enjoy even if they've played at least one or two of their games that they have copyrighted. If anything, Nintendo should've just "let sleeping dogs lie".

I don't know why they did it. My theory is that they're angry that fan made games are much better then the shit they've been releasing lately.

@Look more important than content:
It may be like that. I've been seeing this like... ever! Why do new computer games have to have even more realistic graphics? Because out there are enough dumbfucks who buy their games by the looks. And money is what publishers want, not much else. The same is true almost anywhere, so... get over it.

I still think that sprite flashes like WoC or TTA are awesome. If I were to choose between one GPU-killing new episode with mediocre story once in a year or one 'cheap' sprite flash with good story ~several times a year, I'd surely take the good story one.

Also, I think that out there are enough people who really enjoy this same stuff I do. They are just not as vocal as people with two GFX cards and a 1000 W PSU in their computer...

@WoC will die, 99% probability:
That is one option. The other is that you create a mock universe with different names for pokemon, towns, characters (as long as they are Nintendo intellectual property) and sprites and continue the story. I am planning (far future! XD) to do something like that to the Digimon franchise. This also gives you even more freedom: you can rewrite the complete history of anything that ever happened in Pokemon to better suit your needs/storylines.

@Content deletion:
Theoretically... there is one easy way to circumvent this: use BitTorrent to share your stuff! You are not making money off it anyway. The legal situation would still be the same and most people out there are probably not ready for using BitTorrent, but I know that, will I ever create content too large in size to host on my own, I will definitely use BitTorrent.

Just imagine... original content over BitTorrent! XD Of course, it will take quite some time to get people actually following you.

Hope that helps!

good job on making horrible shit and then blaming everyone else

Good job being a waste of food.

It would be sad to see the WoC go. I have yet to see anything with a more decent story then yours and I have enjoyed the series overall. I even comeback to re watch it from time to time to time and still find it more entertaining. I would love to see the series continue and move to even bigger and better things. I hope you don't cancel the series because there is probably still a fan base for this and if not now, then there probably will be in the future. I just dont want to see this series get swept under the rug because of single minded people who think visuals are everything. Visuals only help improve upon something, not build it.

(Quick note, forgot to add this. If you think it sucks mister MikeDaMan, why not make your own show? You must have some good ability in making stuff if you call this terrible.)

I see you have been through trying times but you shouldn't give up on Pokémon WOC. The other day I felt like my Pokémon Darkness series story and animation was stupid (I got confidence problems) and I felt depressed, But then I re-watched your woc again, and it inspired me to keep going. I love you story and the humour is great. but never mind about me.

You shouldn't give up you series just because people like watching something that really is stupid. What matters is the there are people who still enjoy watching your series and more importantly that you enjoy making the series. So screw the horse-humping, Screw the 5 minute fart jokes and screw the bleeding vagina company. They have nothing to do with this series.

What I recommend (You don't have to do it) is that you split you time between making woc and making the flash games you enjoy making. Maybe even keep using sprites for woc and use drawing for the games.

Anyway I just wanted to share what I thought (sorry that is was long) because I think because of the advice and help you and East Beast give me that I never gave up on my series, like I do with other stuff.

Your good friend Dumbird

(Whew that was not easy typing)

I think you WoC is a great pokemon series, it is #2 on my favorite pokemon fan series, #1 is Pokémon: the Fated Series from tyrant-D

Thanks but how could like Fated Encounter better? Yuck. That doesn't even have a story. Oh wait thats right, the animation is better... Sort of.

No matter how credible mikedaman's opinion is, the argument of "if you can't make it you have no credibility" is an annoyingly common/flawed argument. You do not need to be a 5 star gourmet chef to know when the food sucks. I havn't seen this series so I can't judge, but I've been seeing this manner of arguing for a while and it's extremely ignorant.

I don't use the "if you can't make it yourself, then you can't judge it" argument either. But there are some people who bash things for honest, legitimate reasons and then there are those who are just being jack offs. And mikedaman is clearly the latter.

My mistake for saying so. I guess I was trying to make the fact that this stuff probably isn't easy for him to make at times with the graphics he uses and to make it at the quality it is (which Is good in my opinion) is even more difficult. Quiet honistly, I want to see were he comes off saying that his stuff is bad.

Apologies for all the shit youve been getting on this site.
I took a look-see at your game, and it plays really well, so if you dont feel like pursuing your animations, at least pursue your games!

You’re disappointed in SuperLab are you? That’s fair enough, because I’m thoroughly disappointed in you.

Seriously what a fucking shit fight! It seems to me that you are blaming EVERYONE that can potentially be blamed for the games mediocre reception except for yourself! You know… the person that CREATED the fucking game? If a movie is shit you don't blame the critics, YOU BLAME THE STUDIO! I find it incredibly ironic and hypocritical that you bash the likes of kaijuking and punisher for not being able to take criticism yet you yourself seem to be no better than them. Even indirectly attacking those like me, Anna, Tamiko and especially Esty that spent time helping you with this game is downright fucking disrespectful! This game wouldn’t have been finished at all without our help!

As for why the game got voted into obscurity? I guess you could blame Halloween, NGs community or the fact it wasn’t porn or a stupid lip sync made by Oney. But the REAL reason may (MAY) just be that your game wasn’t that innovative. Yes it was programmed well and yes it was good for what it was, but do you know how many fixed 2D top-down shooter games there are on the internet let alone Newgrounds? Thousands- even millions! Your game has some nice ideas but nowhere near enough innovation to make it stand out as anything more than a ‘run of the mill fixed shooter’. It was repetitive, the colours of the ships (the boss battles specifically) were bland and it lacked an overall excitement factor; it was all very linear and pretty straight forward.

Why am I saying this now? I specifically didn’t get access to the game for the first time until it was already 95% done, so none of these issues could be addressed that far into development. If you had shown us builds of the game earlier in production and consistently updated the file (much like we did with Goombario) we could have potentially made changes then and there and fine-tuned the hell out of it. But even then, there’s a high chance you would have ignored all of our input anyway.

Also, what’s your REAL reason for wanting to discontinue WoC? Don’t say it’s copyright because that is bullshit; you just uploaded two Star Wars fan games so that clearly isn’t an issue. Personally I don’t care either way, it’s your decision. Odds are someone else will just revive the series just like SMBZ anyway.

I thought you might be a little upset that I mentioned the Superlab, but let me get this straight. I'm NOT BLAMING the Superlab for the reception or quality or anything. Only that I was disappointed that I did't get much POST-RELEASE feedback. That's all! It's because I care about you guy's opinions the most, my SUPPOSED friends. And was just interested in what you think. It has nothing to do with using them to raise the score. And since you mentioned it, I DID give you guys some previews of the game while it was in production and you blew them off, so I stopped doing it. Don't remember? Well I did!

Ah now we see your true opinion of my game come forth. It's pity I had to piss you off to get it. I tried my best not to make it a run of the mill shooter (adding things like the perspective boss fight, the voice acting, the all range level), but you have to start with the basics.

The reason I want to discontinue WoC IS because of the copyright shit. These two Star Wars games are what showed me the limits because I couldn't distribute them on any other game site. Isn't that why you have strived to transform some of your work (like Whorzies) into original content instead of parodies?

" Personally I don’t care either way"

That's exactly the kind of attitude from the SL that I was complaining about.

I was going to come in and justify myself but budj pretty much summed it up. All thats left for me is to point out that WOC is tweenfest 2013 with guest appearances by shitty fan fiction with a dash of gardevoir fetish seasoned with horribly replicated game mechanics (sound familiar?)

Basically a fucking masterpiece.

I didn't make an episode in 2013, good job being an idiot. And stop latching onto other peoples opinions when you have no idea what the hell is going on, you parasite.

I feel worried right now because of Budj's speech im going to sleep and hope you guys settle your differences.

believe it or not i beat budj to the punch so if anything HE'S STEALING MY OPINION!! TRAITOR!!!

Yeah but his opinion matters.

On the subject of ridiculously ignorant arguments, opinion theft? Are you absolutely serious? Congratulations, you've labeled yourself as the egomaniacal criticism immune newgrounds artist majority. Don't bother trying to talk any sense into this, it will only be lost on him.

And don't try to refute my "criticism immune" jab by reiterating that you actively tried to seek out criticism from your group of would be friends, because its another poor excuse to toss any and all other opinions to the wayside. Face the music, put up, or shut up.

Quit trying to sound holier then thou by lecturing me for getting a little upset that my hard work got a crappy response. Didn't you catch the bit I said about trolls starting to crawl in the second I get upset? Good job confirming what I said.

Also by telling mikedaman only budjs opinion matters, after you yourself likened the two and came to the realization that his came first, you've (rather cryptically) stated that mikedaman's opinion matters, so congrats on once again backing yourself into a corner.

Well, Teejay, I would like to say sorry for my earlier attitude that he cant make a game. I was just a bit pissed at him and yesterday was also a terrible day so I wasnt thinking and would love to just delete that comment but no idea how. Anyways, I also would like to say that I feel for you with copyright stuff. I once did a brutal Legends playthrough on youtube and I had to deal with copyright issues from music companies and ea with cuscewnes. I cant say im on the same level but just know that you have the fans of the series to bck you up against nintendo if they do try and do it. Your work should be protected under fair use and hope that it still stands and holds your videos away from copyright issues.

I understand where you were coming from. I used to be mean in my reviews before I started making flashes and realized how tough it was sometimes. And yeah, I have some videos on youtube that have been muted or blocked as well just because they contain some copyright background music.

there he is officer thats the man who stole my opinion

Well from the looks in this page there isn't any good mannered reactions to this announcement, so I'll make one.

Indeed, the news of the Pokemon World of Chaos series possibly getting kicked to the back burner is a disappointing one, especially considering all the work put out to recent additions. However, I'm not ignorant of the issues of copyright abuse that's been going around lately, and both Nintendo and Gamefreak aren't helping. Plus, I have to sadly agree with Teejay about the popularity, though I wish the reasons were different than what he claims, but it's Newgrounds: the dick joke central.

Might as well make a flag with a limp penis on it the sites national flag. Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed at most of the animations I've come across here.

Back on topic, the real reason why I think WoC wouldn't be popular anymore is because the Pokemon fan community just isn't ready to accept a world where Pokemon are killers and that they out for human blood and any interest this concept had is dying. Probably because of X and Y and Origins catering to nostalgia. The threat of Nintendo or Gamefreak shutting it down is the biggest factor here. It's shamefully abusive, but not much anyone can do but play it safe and not put a lot of effort into these things anymore.

Way to go, gaming companies. Just abuse your rights to show everyone you have the power to create and destroy like some bully.

Anyway, I'm sad to see WoC's future being so bleak, but to be honest I saw it coming. It's a big shame the author isn't getting a lot of appropriate support either, from the looks of it... But shit happens.

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