switch (teejayisabitmiffed) {
case "Tie Fighter Assault SE":
So I finally finished and released my Tie Fighter remake that I've been working on all year. And it got voted into obscurity. That was partially my fault for releasing so close to Halloween when everyone was still queer for games with Zombies, Freaks, and traced DBZ art. But if you haven't played it yet, you should check it out HERE! It really is a great game with some 3d graphics, voice actors, and medals. It also marks the end of my fan flashes, more explained below. I'm a bit disappointed in the SuperLab too. I had to beg for feedback from some of them and then there's still a few I'm waiting on. Hell, even some of the ones who helped make it haven't even said anything. Seems like we had a big celebration when Goombario's Story was released and now nothing, but maybe that's just my twisted perspective. Of course it was summer then and school is on now, and I'm sure they're busy but I doubt they're THAT busy...
case "TFA Mobile Clone Wars":
I also made a mobile version of my Tie fighter assault game with a new plot, new outifts, and new ships for the characters. You can play it HERE! Or you can download the app for your android device! You can find INSTRUCTIONS on this site. The app version contains an exclusive boss fight (pictured below)! Sorry, it's not available for iOS devices, unless someone wants to sponsor it by giving me the $100 for the developer fee. I'm glad this got front page but it was still voted into the ground and some of the comments aren't very nice. Seriously, both of these flashes were out scored by a 30 second loop of a girl humping a horse?! Newgrounds ladies and gentlemen...
case "NG Forums":
I'd just like to say... EAT A DICK NG FORUMS! Good god that is the most useless bunch of assholes. I don't go there often for help but almost every time I do, the only answer I get is a "figure out yourself". In fact, people put more effort into creative ways to tell me to figure it myself when it would be easier just to tell me. And the one time I did get a useful answer, they were still very condescending about it. And then when I get upset cause no one's helping, the bottom-feeding trolls take over and start berating me.
Find the easter egg in my Tie Fighter Assault game if you want to watch the NG Forums get what it deserves.
case "Pokemon World of Chaos":
I'll be honest, the future looks bleak for this series. Its not that I don't want to finish it, I do and I have some great ideas for the remaining episodes. But there are two major problems that are killing my desire to finish it. The first of these is the copyright shit. In case you didn't catch it, a few months ago Nintendo came along with its bleeding vagina and had Newgrounds remove all Nintendo based flash games, including one of mine. My pokemon series was spared because it was listed as movie, but they could easily come back and have all the Nintendo (or just pokemon) movies removed. And youtube is even worse. Plus Newgrounds is one of the few sites that will actually host fan flashes. So basically, I see no point in putting a lot of effort into something I can't distribute freely or have fear of it being removed.
The second major thing is the reception. I'm just not sure the series will that popular anymore. I'm not using sprites anymore and my animation can't compete with some of the others. And it's obvious that animation carries FAR more weight then a good story on NG. Plus people have showed me that they don't want long serious episodes, they want short, stupid parodies and porno. It's not worth all the months of effort it would take to make just one episode only to have it over shadowed by a 30 second horse-hump, a two minute fart joke, or a 5 minute lip sync just because those authors can draw better then me... And then it potentially could get removed by a bleeding vagina company. "But Teejay, WoC is what go you all your fans!" Well what good is that if anything non-WoC I make is voted into the ground. The decision to end the series is not final yet... but it's looking that way.
So in closing, I'm far more interested in making original games. They may not be as popular, but at least I can distribute them freely and maybe even sell them. Plus I have more ideas for original games then series.
*below* The Malevolence is an exclusive boss fight for the TFA Mobile edition. So be sure to download it if you have an android device.
Dont you know any other flash-sites where you can post WoC without fear of copyrights?
Kongregate maybe?
DeviantArt, but I don't have a following there and I can't guarantee it's safe from copyright. I have my own site with Yahoo, but it won't load flashes for some reason.