Silver likes ET for the Atari...
Are you even old enough to remember that game? Anyway, I'm going to call bullshit on youtube making you take these off because of the release of Sonic Unleashed.
I'm having a hard time following this story. There's too many characters and I have no idea who most of them are. Your transformations make no sense, and there seems to be no end to how many times they can advance to another level. Each time the sprite getting more ridiculous looking. I mean, I love it when characters power up and transform but I think your overdoing it. Also, you sometimes declare a character is at their 100% maximum, only to have them power up more later. There's no consistency, or maybe I'm just mixed up because I have no idea who is who. Especially since Silver turned into Sonic, and then Dark Spines Sonic for no reason!
If these really are just some old ones your pulling out of your closet, then how about making some new ones? And maybe slow down the story a bit and introduce the characters at a more even pace.