Everybody "knew a guy..."

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Joined on 10/7/04

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teejay-number13's News

Posted by teejay-number13 - May 20th, 2014

In case you just missed it, I released a game called Pokemon WoC: Stadium a few days ago. It's a stadium-esque game based on the first season of my Pokemon fan series called World of Chaos. I wanted to release it on my birthday which was May 13 (old man now), but it wasn't quite ready. It did get Daily 5th, and the running was close, so I'm content with that. At least it didn't get beat by a flash with horse humping in it this time... Wait a minute... Yes it did! That stupid nightmare flash. I guess horse humping must be what you young whippersnappers are into these days.

Last year, Nintendo came along and made NG get rid of all Nintendo based flash games. Hopefully that won't happen again, but if it does, my Stadium game will still be available on DeviantArt.http://fav.me/d7il5n5 

All attention will now be focused on making ep 9 & 10. Since I finished this stadium game in about 6 weeks, I'm hoping I can get 9 & 10 done quickly too. Getting all the voices together will probably be the toughest part. As a small consolation for taking so long, I'll give you a spoiler tidbit about ep 9 & 10:

"Teejay tracks Gardevoir back to her home town full of talking Pokemon, but they hate humans! On top of that, someone (or something) is causing Pokemon from the village to disappear!"

That only scratches the surface of the stuff that happens in the next eps, so don't think I spoiled it for you! Looking forward to seeing it finished and seeing your reactions to it!

Posted by teejay-number13 - March 24th, 2014

Hey guys. Just letting you know that I'm currently working on Pokemon World of Chaos episode 9 and 10 simultaneously. They've been a long time coming. However I've decided to go with the sprites. I know I made a big deal about switching the series to fully animated, but the brutal honest truth is that I don't have the drive or patience to do that. Not to mention it would still take me a long time to get to where I could make some decent animation and I don't want to keep what little of my fans are left waiting any longer. It was so daunting a task that it is probably what made me delay the series so long. But yeah, both 9 and 10 should be out in a few months in spirtes, but at least you'll get to see the story.

Episode 9 is really just a build up to episode 10 but I think episode 10 is very epic. I really can't wait to see it finished! There's also a couple of things that I think will be a bit controversial and I can't wait to see how people react to them. >:)

Well the SuperLab has been disbanded. I do miss the skype chats with the group and collaborating on what few projects we did. To be honest though, I may have left anyway. Things were getting rocky in there. Long story short, certain members were getting frustrated at the groups lack of progress and were taking it out on other members. I could go into a tirade about the details, but there's no point, whats done is done.

My website has gotten a overhaul as well. http://www.superstuffpro.com
It's a lot simpler then it was, but more to the point.

Anyway, look forward to episode 9 and 10 soon!

Posted by teejay-number13 - January 25th, 2014

Looks like there will be a Mass Effect 4. I'm planning on boycotting it, unless it gets me super excited, which I doubt. I'm not boycotting ME4 because I'm sick of shooters (like everyone else thinks about people boycotting ME products). On the contrary, 3rd person shooter are among some of my favorite games. I'm boycotting it to punish Bioware for the problems in Mass Effect 3 (including the shitastic ending), and for their reactions to the fans disappointments (which was basically "go fuck yourselves"). It's been two yeas since ME3 came out and I hadn't touched any of the games again till now. Only because I still need to do the Renshep play through for ME3. Looking, back I see that three of my favorite 3rd person shooter series have now become trilogies. Let's see how each one stacks up:


The Good For the most part, this was a great game. It did a lot of what I was hoping for. You cured the Genophage, brokered peace between the Geth and Quarians, and got the Quarians homeworld back. There was some pretty good dialogue between the chars too, and you could get EDI as a teammate. Nice touch, I especially like when EDI revealed that she had been watching Shepard and Tali doing it. Oh and you you get some bonus N7 armor in Dead Space 3 if you have an ME3 save file.

The Bad There's a few gripes I have that didn't effect the game so much, just me personally. Like why is Shepard on trial in the beginning? Depending on your choices, he was reinstated as a spectre and given permission to be on the Cerberus mission. And as soon as it was over, he promptly returned to the Alliance and handed over the Normandy. Also, making it so Anderson stepped down from the council and Udina take over rendered your choice in ME1 useless, so what the hell? And the scene at the the end of the Quarian homeworld? They had the perfect setup for Tali to finally reveal her face but the cut away without showing us. I have never had bigger blue balls in my life after that one. Then later they give us a shitty half-assed photoshop stock picture of her, thanks Bioware. Oh and there was errors importing your characters face from ME2. Biowares response was "just remake the face you whining bastards." And also, they didn't have a final boss, which violates one of my sacred rules when making a video game. You should always have a final boss (depending on the nature of the game). ME1 and ME2 had final boss, why not this one?

The Ugly I won't go into the godawful ending. There are plenty of vids and articles on that already. I'll just say that it ruined the story and concept of making your own choices in the first 3 games. My only other real beef with this game was the attitude of the chars. Shepard watches this kid get killed and it gives him PTSD for the rest of the game. Doesn't seem like something that would bother him, especially since one of his back stories you could choose was watching his family die. There's one part where a Cerberus agent gets the better of Shepard and he gets so depressed he can't look anyone else in the face. WTF? This isn't my Sheperd! And towards the end of the game, things get desperate and things look bad for our heroes. Okay! That's good, some desperation before the storm makes the gamers (and their hero avatars) resolve stronger. Too bad the writers didn't catch that. All the characters, even Shepard, start going all doom-and-gloom. They talk about how they hope they go to heaven when they die soon and what they're going to do when they meet each other in the afterlife. What. The. Fuck! Combine that with the not-so-rewarding ending and you get a recipe for not wanting to play the game again.


The Good Out of the games on the list, this one disappointed me the least. The story was catching enough for me to play through the game without getting bored, and they had a final boss. The final boss was pretty cool. I was hoping for a giant Necromorph, and I thought it would be the planet's core, but the moon worked too. And you kill it by flinging Markers at it, very epic.

The Bad Well, I think the creators must have caught some flak about the Necromorphs being naked in the previous games, cause most of them were clothed in this one. I guess that kind of makes sense, but it also takes away from they're ickyness and makes them look a little more human. Also, in the previous games, there were necro-infants, necro-toddlers, and necro-children. In DS3, the toddlers have been replaced with dogs, the infants have vanished, and the kids are now just scrawny adults. I guess the parents must have complained about how messed up it is shooting kids, probably the same parents letting their 12 year play this rated M game. Also, the game just seemed kind of long to me, which isn't so bad, more for my money. But the enviroments and the enemies don't change too much, so it can get tedious.

The Ugly The game boasted co-op story mode, which is cool in any game. One of the people I like to play games with is my sister and she loves her some co-op play. When I introduced her to DS Extraction, she loved it. So we both got excited about co-op in Dead Space 3. But it turns out, that it's online only and not split screen (she doesn't have a 360). Would it have been so hard to make a local split screen? Lost Planet 2 had it and that game was made to be played online. Of course they only did that because local co-op menas more gamers and less copies of the game. But online co-op means all players must have a copy. Cheapskates. My only other gripe with game was that it seemed hard, even on easy mode. To kill enemies, you have to strategically dismember them. And in the other games, the enemies in the beginning were easier and got harder later on. But in DS3, they all seem to stay around the same difficulty the whole game. So it actually gets easier later in the game, when you start to get the best upgrades for your weapons. I guess the figured that everyone would be playing online in story mode and swapping around high level parts from the beginning.


The Good You ever buy a game that was hyped up and you thought would be awesome but it ended up being shit and you spend hours lamenting all the stuff you could have bought with $60? If there is only one good thing about this game is that it taught me a valuable lesson: Never buy a non-refundable, non-trade-able, non-sell-able digital download game unless you're beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will like it. I guess piloting the Rig was the only interesting part of this game but only in a fight (despite being mostly quicktime events) , most of the time it's just a slow lumbering way to get around the very small world this takes place in. 

The Fugly A Lost Planet game that wants to be Dead Space, and it fails at both. It doesn't have the scale, action, or even the same engine as the other Lost Planet games. The whole game is almost a copy of the last third of Dead Space 3 and I swear they even used some of the same music. The Akrids aren't really that scary compared to the necromorphs, so trying to turn an action series into a horror series doesn't work. The game also seems to have some features that dont really do anything. There's supposed to be some ammo mods you can get by completing the "study akrid" sidequest but I never did it. You can also listen to music while piloting the rig, but I only found three songs and half the time, it turns the music off for the important events. It seems like something they were going to expand but didn't. The main character has occsional convos with his wife via space skype. Their baby is mentioned often but never showed. You would think a father would want to see his child. It also implies that Jim had an affair during the game. And lastly, the final boss. Kudos for having one game, but as some gamers have pointed out, it's dangerously similar to some of the Metal Gear boss fights. The game also implies that the whole planet core is an Akrid, but never calls it an Over G.  

Posted by teejay-number13 - December 20th, 2013

So I left a review for Tyrant-D's Pokemon:Fated Stool - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/624656

And I got a reply from him that was hilarious! So I thought I would share it with you here. And explain myself a bit more. Okay, Here was my review:  

I really liked this... Three of four years ago. Now that I've gotten into flash, I can see that it actually kinda sucks. Okay it really sucks. I think the "fast-paced action" (which is really just shaky cam and constant tweening) actually just distracts people from how bad the animation is. If it slowed down long enough for us to focus on the actual look and movement of the characters, it would be pretty disappointing. Kudos for not using sprites (boo for the DBZ ripoff characters though) but on the basic level, It's no different from all those Sonic sprite battles with lots of forgettable action and no story!

Sorry, but putting a story in the description doesn't count. And your story just boils down to, can awesome guy and his powerful pokemon beat awesome villain and their powerful pokemon? That's not a story, that's an excuse for not writing a story. So in closing, cut the fights short so you don't wear yourself down, that way you can focus more on smoother movements and transitions. Limit the shaky cam and constant movement of the characters so it doesn't look like a clusterfuck. And maybe write a real story so I actually care about why these people are fighting and how it will turn out.  

Okay, so yeah, pretty harsh. I'm ex-military so I usually don't pull punches when I criticize someone but I do try to keep it civilized. And here is his reply:  

teejay13 you Sir are a very cold-hearted individual!

I put blood, sweat and tears into creating this! and yes! I know it was critical failure! but for once in your life, don't take things so seriously. As for those sonic flashes, I consider them one of the worst things to ever hit newgrounds (Not all but MOST), as you compared this failure to them, I feel incredibly heart broken. These Pokemon battles was never about stories, I say FUCK FAIRY TALE STORIES! LET THE POKEBALLS AND EXPLOSIONS FLY LOL!

Your not even going to take account into the effort one put in making such a flash? your review favored in the trails of a "rant" more than all out "criticism"

Also WTF do you mean "Kudo's for not using sprites??" Get the Fuck out of here with that shit TJ LOL! at least I have the ability to draw unlike the one trying to lecture me in how I should rectify my animation style.

Now Teejay! let me find a window and jump out of it, as you have now shattered my soul. Just to make you feel better now, I think your *cough* "sprite based" *cough*"Pokemon: World of Chaos" series is incredible!

I'm very very very disappointed in you Teejay, very disappointed :( *sniff* *sniff* (Tyrant-D unhooks window) Whooooosh!! Splat**  

Let's reply to what he said and try out this new NG bullet list option:

  • "teejay13 you Sir are a very cold-hearted individual!"    -No I'm not. I'm a very nice guy, I just don't beleive in coddling or sugar coating.
  • "I put blood, sweat and tears into creating this! and yes! I know it was critical failure! but for once in your life, don't take things so seriously"    -I know you worked hard on it, but that doesn't mean it gets a free pass from criticism. And why are you admitting it's a critical failure? I never said that. For once in my life? I didn't know you knew me so well. And there's only two reasons I take a flash seriously enough to write a review, it's sucks so hard I can't not write a review or I think it has good potential and I want to see it improve. I'll let you decide which catergory yours fits in.
  • "As for those sonic flashes, I consider them one of the worst things to ever hit newgrounds (Not all but MOST), as you compared this failure to them, I feel incredibly heart broken. These Pokemon battles was never about stories, I say FUCK FAIRY TALE STORIES! LET THE POKEBALLS AND EXPLOSIONS FLY LOL!"    -Oh I dont know, I can think of worse things on Newgrounds... And these battles not being about stories and only explosions is exactly why they are just like the sonic sprite battle flashes.
  • "Your not even going to take account into the effort one put in making such a flash? your review favored in the trails of a "rant" more than all out "criticism"."    -I do appreciate the effort you put into it, I just think you need to reorganize it so your "effort" is being channeled appropriately so your flash ends up being something worth watching instead of  a coma-inducing mess of shaky cams and cacophonies. And that was not a rant. Neither is this. Your reply was more of a rant.
  • "Also WTF do you mean "Kudo's for not using sprites??" Get the Fuck out of here with that shit TJ LOL! at least I have the ability to draw unlike the one trying to lecture me in how I should rectify my animation style."    -Kudos means "good job" you dope. I was praising you for not using sprites. And yes, you maybe better at drawing then me, but tracing doesn't count, so maybe not. And saying LOL doesn't automatically grant forgivness for cussing someone out.
  • "Now Teejay! let me find a window and jump out of it, as you have now shattered my soul. Just to make you feel better now, I think your *cough* "sprite based" *cough*"Pokemon: World of Chaos" series is incredible!"    -Really? I shattered your soul with an honest and mostly tame critical review of your flash? What a wimp. And am I supposed to feel bad because you like my series and I don't like yours? Well, I do, but that's not going to change my opinion about it until you improve it. And what about my series do you think is incredible? Certainly not the animation as you said, so it must be the story. To me, the story is far more important then the animation or the action, and you're flash has no story. And you wonder why I don't like it?
  • "I'm very very very disappointed in you Teejay, very disappointed :( *sniff* *sniff* (Tyrant-D unhooks window) Whooooosh!! Splat**"    - Not as disappointed as I am in your flash!I Dohoho! (you had to see that coming). And I drove you to suicide? I guess my review worked better then I thought. Didn't you say something about "not taking things too seriously"

Well that's all for this reply. Oh and just so my WoC fans don't feel like they read all this for nothing, I have decided to continue the series. I appreciate all the encouragment I got from the replies in my last post.

Posted by teejay-number13 - November 16th, 2013

switch (teejayisabitmiffed) {

case "Tie Fighter Assault SE":
So I finally finished and released my Tie Fighter remake that I've been working on all year. And it got voted into obscurity. That was partially my fault for releasing so close to Halloween when everyone was still queer for games with Zombies, Freaks, and traced DBZ art. But if you haven't played it yet, you should check it out HERE! It really is a great game with some 3d graphics, voice actors, and medals. It also marks the end of my fan flashes, more explained below. I'm a bit disappointed in the SuperLab too. I had to beg for feedback from some of them and then there's still a few I'm waiting on. Hell, even some of the ones who helped make it haven't even said anything. Seems like we had a big celebration when Goombario's Story was released and now nothing, but maybe that's just my twisted perspective. Of course it was summer then and school is on now, and I'm sure they're busy but I doubt they're THAT busy...

case "TFA Mobile Clone Wars":
I also made a mobile version of my Tie fighter assault game with a new plot, new outifts, and new ships for the characters. You can play it HERE! Or you can download the app for your android device! You can find INSTRUCTIONS on this site. The app version contains an exclusive boss fight (pictured below)! Sorry, it's not available for iOS devices, unless someone wants to sponsor it by giving me the $100 for the developer fee. I'm glad this got front page but it was still voted into the ground and some of the comments aren't very nice. Seriously, both of these flashes were out scored by a 30 second loop of a girl humping a horse?! Newgrounds ladies and gentlemen...

case "NG Forums":
I'd just like to say... EAT A DICK NG FORUMS! Good god that is the most useless bunch of assholes. I don't go there often for help but almost every time I do, the only answer I get is a "figure out yourself". In fact, people put more effort into creative ways to tell me to figure it myself when it would be easier just to tell me. And the one time I did get a useful answer, they were still very condescending about it. And then when I get upset cause no one's helping, the bottom-feeding trolls take over and start berating me.
Find the easter egg in my Tie Fighter Assault game if you want to watch the NG Forums get what it deserves.

case "Pokemon World of Chaos":
I'll be honest, the future looks bleak for this series. Its not that I don't want to finish it, I do and I have some great ideas for the remaining episodes. But there are two major problems that are killing my desire to finish it. The first of these is the copyright shit. In case you didn't catch it, a few months ago Nintendo came along with its bleeding vagina and had Newgrounds remove all Nintendo based flash games, including one of mine. My pokemon series was spared because it was listed as movie, but they could easily come back and have all the Nintendo (or just pokemon) movies removed. And youtube is even worse. Plus Newgrounds is one of the few sites that will actually host fan flashes. So basically, I see no point in putting a lot of effort into something I can't distribute freely or have fear of it being removed.
The second major thing is the reception. I'm just not sure the series will that popular anymore. I'm not using sprites anymore and my animation can't compete with some of the others. And it's obvious that animation carries FAR more weight then a good story on NG. Plus people have showed me that they don't want long serious episodes, they want short, stupid parodies and porno. It's not worth all the months of effort it would take to make just one episode only to have it over shadowed by a 30 second horse-hump, a two minute fart joke, or a 5 minute lip sync just because those authors can draw better then me... And then it potentially could get removed by a bleeding vagina company. "But Teejay, WoC is what go you all your fans!" Well what good is that if anything non-WoC I make is voted into the ground. The decision to end the series is not final yet... but it's looking that way.

So in closing, I'm far more interested in making original games. They may not be as popular, but at least I can distribute them freely and maybe even sell them. Plus I have more ideas for original games then series.

*below* The Malevolence is an exclusive boss fight for the TFA Mobile edition. So be sure to download it if you have an android device.

2 new games + a rant!

Posted by teejay-number13 - August 28th, 2013

Thanks to my fans who are still checking this page. I wish I could reward you right now with WoC ep 9 but the series is in hiatus for several reasons.
1) I'm done messing with sprites for the series so I'm currently working on learning new animation skills and programs to make the series even better.
2) I do have a life outside of flash making and it kinda sux, so it's hard to get motivated to work on it sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time.
3) Lately, Nintendo has been on the warpath. They've already forced Newgrounds to remove most of it's Nintendo based fan games (including one of mine) and there's no telling if fan movies will be next. They've already had some fan films from other sites shut down. My theory is that their vagina is bleeding because the Wii U isn't selling as good as they'd hoped. It seems stupid to have fan made stuff removed (especially non-profit ones) because they're like free advertisements! I wonder how many people went out and bought pokemon because my series got them interested in it again?
There you have it, the series isn't cancelled, just delayed for now. Anyway, if you haven't seen it yet, there's a clip from ep 9 that my pal eastbeast made for me: Meloetta scene

Tie Fighter Assault
My other big project this year was supposed to be my Star Wars vertical shooter. I was having some trouble with the code to begin with and when I tried to run it as a whole flash, it went to hell. Plus the file was so big that Flash kept crashing every 10 seconds. So now I'm rebuilding the game in Flash CC. I solved the code problems I had when I made my KaijuKing game (that was removed because of the aforementioned Nintendo thing >:( The artwork and animations are good to go, just need to fix the code. So hopefully that will be available before too long.

My KaijuKing game can still be played on DeviantArt. To re-release on Newgrounds I need to remove the Nintendo characters. I was thinking about keeping Sonic and adding Megaman. But I need one more... Any suggestions? The character must have a flying vehicle and a transformation.

Posted by teejay-number13 - July 29th, 2013

It looks like the NG Moderation team removed my game. But I was given no reason. Is there a specific way they notify you? I didn't get a PM or an email.

They probably thought it was stolen since a bunch of other sites stole the DeviantArt version. Well I can prove I created it! Hopefully Tom will get back to me on this.

Posted by teejay-number13 - July 6th, 2013

Since the NG version has medals, and DA has no such fancy things... I added a fourth playable character as a DeviantArt exclusive.

KaijuKing Must Die! on DeviantArt

You can now play as LINK! Use this password - KGMKBFTOZ - *NOTE! This only works on the DeviantArt version, not the Newgrounds version.

New Character on DA "KaijuKing Must Die!"

Posted by teejay-number13 - July 1st, 2013

My KaijuKing game got Front Page!... for a few hours. During which the score dropped by almost 1 star.

I guess flashes making fun of other people only work if they're well animated... or your name is Spazkid... or Speedosauage. Hmm... 2500 views yet only 460 people earned the first medal, which you get about a minute into the game. Gives a good indication of how many people actually played before voting.

Well, I had fun making it and learned some new code. And if at least some people enjoyed it, then it was worth. I'm sure my upcoming Tie Fighter game will be much more successful I hope.

Posted by teejay-number13 - June 30th, 2013

What started as a troll flash on a whim to amuse me and my friends I ended up putting a lot of effort into. So I legitimized and released here and on DA. Be sure to play it so you can pick up some medals!

Current Projects:

Star Wars Tie Fighter Assault SE
Probably the next game I'll release soon. But the file has gotten too big and so Flash is starting to be a bitch about crashing and exporting.

Pokemon: World of Chaos
Yes I know everyone wants it. The scripts for ep 9-11 are written, but now that I'm dropping the sprites, I have a choice to make. Learn 2d animation or 3d animation. I'm equally crappy at both right now and each have their ups and downs. Once I pick a direction, I can see episodes coming out at a much faster rate.